Saturday, January 4, 2020

10 New Uses for Sugar in Daily Life

  1. Prolong flowers in vase

    Dissolve 3 teaspoons of sugar of sugar in 2 tablespoons of vinegar
  2. Remove grass stains from jeans

    Dissolve a generous heap of sugar in warm water until it forms a thick paste. Apply the paste directly on the stain and let it sit for 2 hour before you throw the clothes into the washing machine.
  3. Coffee machine cleaner

    This one is quite unheard of? The sugar is meant to clean out the grinder part of the coffee machine. Pour one quarter cup of sugar into the grinder and let it run through. After that, empty the grounds and wipe the coffee machine.
  4. Greasy hands fix

    Rub one tablespoon of olive oil and sugar in your hands. Rinse your hands thoroughly.
  5. Body Face and Lip scrub

    Wow! Multi-function!

    Mix sugar with olive oil or coconut oil for an all-rounder body scrub

    Mix sugar with honey for some diy lip scrub and exfoliate the dead skin
  6. Soothe burnt tonge

    Suck a cube of sugar of sprinkle some sugar on the burnt area. Takes your mind of the pain
  7. Prolong shelf life of food

    Store biscuits or cheese in an airtight container with some cubes of sugar.
  8. DIY insect trap

    Boil 2 parts sugar with 1 part of water. Pour the mixture into an open container and place it in your chosen spot


    Sprinkle baking soda with sugar around your desired spot.
  9. Wound treatment

    Use with care. Sprinkle wound with sugar before cleaning and dressing
  10. Deworm the garden

    Sprinkle sugar at the desired spot.

    Works best for root nematodes and hard to control weeds like nutsedge. Avoid sprinkling sugar if weather forecasts rain within the next 24 hours 
That's all from me folks! See you next time ;-)