Sunday, June 10, 2012

How to clean mold

As time passes, mold may start to appear in different parts of the house. One common area would be at door seal of the refrigerator. Some of us may go, "Ew..." These usually cause the rubber seals to appear stained with black or green spots. They could be caused by a refrigerator being placed in an environment with high moisture or occurs during the late summers. The mold could also indicate that cool air from the refrigerator is seeping out from the rubber seals.

  1. Rub some regular toothpaste onto the door seals and allow it to sit for five minutes. 
  2. Use a soft cloth or cloth with microfiber cleaning abilities to clean off the toothpaste.
  3. Repeat the above steps if needed
Do not use household bleach or other types of bleach as they are too strong for cleaning rubber and will cause damage to the rubber seals