Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Remove excess fat or grease in the soup

I have just made a pot of clear chicken soup for dinner and just realised that the soup is too greasy! Oh, nightmare! The soup is ruined for good!

Here goes some tried and tested methods:

  1. Keep the fire going for the soup. Shift the pot slightly to one side of the burner. The excess fat will be concentrated to one side of the pot. Use a skimmer and skim the surface to remove excess fat

  2. Pop some cold lettuce leaves into the soup and remove them immediately.

  3.  Drop some ice cubes into a slotted spoon or ladle and skim the surface to remove excess fat.

  4. Drag a clean paper towel over the surface of the soup to soak up the fat.
  5. Refrigerate the soup to chill it. The excess fat congeals at the surface of the soup. When that happens, lift it off with a spoon. However, do note that refrigerating the soup takes hours (at least 3 hours) before the fat congeals.

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