Tuesday, December 9, 2014

5 fabulous ways to wash the grapes

Store bought grapes are usually covered with a layer of white film or powder. This is actually produced by the grape plant to prevent moisture loss from the fruit, Mother Nature's protection mechanism to ensure the fruit remains succulent. Though harmless, this cause the grapes to have a bitter or unpleasant taste when it is not removed.

Here are 5 tried and tested tips to wash the grapes:

1) Sea salt
Heap a huge tablespoon of salt onto the grapes and give them a good rub and polish on the skin. When rubbing, you will see the white film disappear from the grapes' skin. After that, rinse the grapes to remove all the remaining salt.

2) Corn starch
Heap a huge tablespoon of corn starch onto the grapes and give them a good rub and polish. After that, rinse the grapes to remove all the corn starch.

3) Baking soda
Heap a huge tablespoon of baking soda onto the grapes. Fill the bowl water and give the grapes a good rub. Drain the water and rinse them under the tap.

4) Lemon
Squeeze the juice of lemon onto the grapes and give the grapes a rub with the lemon juice. Rinse the grapes and serve

5) Vinegar
We are back to good ole vinegar. Pour a tablespoon of vinegar onto the grapes and give them a rub in the vinegar. Rinse the grapes and serve.

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